Monday, July 28, 2008

First portraits together

After one year, I finally got my act in gear and got the girls photographed together. Aren't they cute? You'd think, by the looks of the pictures, that they were the best of friends. Still working on that one. :-) I'm currently reading "Siblings Without Rivalry" with the hopes of getting a handle on the shoving, pinching, etc. This is all new territory for someone who grew up as an "only."

Monday, July 21, 2008

More stats

A few days ago, it was Mackenzie's turn for her 3-year-old well-check. She turns three on July 27. Crazy. Here are her numbers...

Weight: 28 lb. 6 oz. (26th percentile)
Height: 36 1/2 inches (35th percentile)

And, the big news of the week: she's on her 12th day of being fully potty trained. This is a HUGE milestone for us. Only one kiddo in diapers now. YAY!

Last night, Grammie Phyllis (Keith's mom) headed home after staying with us for two weeks. She helped immensely with the girls while I worked, got some home projects done, and slept. We miss her already and hope she has a safe trip. Keith will be home in one week, ending a very *exciting* month in Kentucky. He came down with pneumonia, then got bitten by ticks and was diagnosed with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Oh, the joy! We can't wait to finally have him home.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The stats are in...

We *finally* had Giselle's 1-year-old check-up today (at almost 13 months), and here are her measurements:

Weight: 18 lbs. 8 oz. (8th percentile)
Height: 28 inches (12th percentile)
Head circumference: 17 3/4 inches (44th percentile)

So, as you can see, she's quite small. With a big head. :-) But she's packed with muscle, and any day now she's going to start beating up on her big sister, instead of the other way around. Just as soon as she figures out the whole walking thing....then, watch out, Mackenzie!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Roadtrip to California

Over the July 4th weekend, the girls and I took a roadtrip--sans Keith, who is still in Kentucky--to Sonoma County. We went to my sister-in-law Laura's baby shower, met cousins for the first time, and had a great time traveling around California's wine country. We're so excited for the arrival of the newest cousin in mid September!!